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Marec, 2023 - Dizajnérka Lucia Šimončič, autorka a zakladateľka značky SKVOST, sa pri tvorbe tohtoročnej jarnej kolekcie inšpirovala ponukou a filozofiou etablovanej značky FLOWER THERAPY, ktorá na trh od roku 2019 prináša udržateľné kvetinové koncepty. Obe značky, ktoré ponúkajú lokálny a udržateľný dizajn sa spojili, aby fanúšikom priniesli komplexnú esenciu jari v sezónnej kolekcii SKVOST x FLOWER THERAPY collab SPRING COLECTION. Poetika a estetika prebúdzajúcej sa prírody je charakteristickou črtou kolekcie.   Nežné pastelové tóny kryštálov dokonalo harmonizujú s tvarmi šperkov a dizajnom kvetinových aranžmánov. Silnú ženskú energiu kreatívneho tímu, ktorý sa na tomto projekt podieľal, možno cítiť v každom…
03. 05. 2023

Skvost pod záštitou britského veľvyslanca predstavil kolekciu Her Majesty

 November 2022   Kráľovná Alžbeta II. bola panovníčkou rekordných 70 rokov. Jej charizma a odkaz sú stále aktuálne aj za hranicami monarchie. Nezameniteľný módny štýl britskej panovníčky sa stal inšpiráciou kolekcie Her Majesty slovenskej značky Skvost, nad predstavením ktorej prevzal záštitu veľvyslanec Spojeného kráľovstva Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska J. E. Nigel Baker. Lucia Šimončič, dizajnérka a zakladateľka značky, pri tvorbe kolekcie intenzívne spolupracovala s Jakubom Abrahámom, expertom na etiketu, royalistom a komentátorom kráľovskej rodiny, čo dodalo autorským šperkom výnimočnú autenticitu.   Každá z deviatich brošní sa viaže k istému obdobiu života kráľovskej rodiny a vychádza z dizajnu skutočných kráľovských…
18. 04. 2023

20 faktov o šperkoch, ktoré ste zrejme netušili!

Šperky vždy zohrávali v histórii ľudstva dôležitú úlohu. V skutočnosti zdobenie tela rôznymi ozdobami vzniklo ešte pred písomnými záznamami a je jedným z prvých výdobytkov ľudskej histórie. Či už ide o oslnivý diamant alebo kúsky mušlí, vždy sme našli spôsob, ako oceniť krásu týchto prírodných darov. Ak ste rovnako ako my milovníkmi šperkov (alebo jednoducho zaujímavostí), predstavujeme vám 20 faktov o šperkoch, o ktorých ste pravdepodobne ešte nepočuli!     1. Najstaršie šperky sú... organické! Najstaršie známe šperky pochádzajú spred obdobia cca 100 000 rokov dozadu. Boli to krásne drahé kamene alebo diamanty? Ani jedno. V skutočnosti sú najstaršie nájdené…
03. 10. 2021

Why Made in Slovakia?

Let's do a little test to start off with. Take the T-shirt you are wearing or now. Take a peek at the label. What does it say on it? We can safely bet that on 99% of these labels, "Made in Slovakia." cannot be found. The vast majority of these labels refer to production in third world countries. And why should we care? Between 1987 and 1990, all around the world we could find in the world goods from Czechoslovak textile factories worth over 500 million Euro. In Slovakia, about 46,000 people were employed in the clothing industry in this…
09. 08. 2021


Let’s sweep the myth that brooches belong in the past from the table. This original design is a hot accessory in this century, too. Unlike rings and earrings, brooches are not limited to a specific part of the body - brooches therefore allow designers and creators a broader artistic scope of creation. Playing with perspective and traditional ideas, the brooch itself can become an impressive piece of art and a truly unique outfit decoration. High-fashion designers such as Marc Jacobs, Schiaparelli, Miu Miu, Burberry, Dolce & Gabbana and many others - who have incorporated this magnificent accessory into their latest…
02. 06. 2021

Spring cleaning of the wardrobe and mind: part II. Minimalism, slow fashion & local production

A life inspired by the purity of minimalism - in addition to the obvious well-being of the soul – also has an impact on our only home - the planet. Minimalism is the fundamental direction for a society so overwhelmed with consumption where we want everything immediately and we want a lot of it.   The culture of single-use and cheap, but low-quality products is “guilty” of a lot more than it may seem. While a T-shirt in the tempting sale may cost only 5 Euro, a countless number of resources such as material, thousands of litres of water, energy,…
07. 04. 2021

Spring cleaning of the wardrobe and mind: part I.

Spring is magical; full of vibrant colours, textures, floral scents and beautiful scenery. The days get longer and warmer. Nature awakes and everything starts to come out to play in bright colours.   Spring is also a great springboard for new beginnings. For most people, the New Year is the period of change and commitment, but it is spring that awakens new motivation within us. Hibernation is soon replaced with a burst of life, and we want to flourish and grow like nature itself does. And she inspires us, too.   We get the urge to reorganize our homes, wardrobe…
04. 04. 2021

St. Valentine's Day as you’ve probably never seen it

For some, it’s a day like any other. For others, an opportunity to express their feelings to the people they love. Despite different perceptions, this holiday has been with us for centuries. So how did it all start? And what did you probably never know about this holiday? Our search for the roots of this holiday take us to ancient Rome, where the Lupercalie festival took place on this date, whereby - among other rituals - the fairer sex wrote their names on cards - which the boys then pulled out a jug, and then accompanied their "chosen" girl. Many…
15. 03. 2021

Lucia Šimončič: Working on Skvost with a huge amount of love

Behind the design of the brooches and earrings from Skvost is the exceptional woman Lucia Šimončič. We asked her about the milestones and the beginnings. How does it look behind the scenes of this unique brand? While collecting information before the interview itself, I quickly learned that Lucia is indeed an inspirational woman. Her desire for beauty stems from her family environment as she comes from a family with generations of artists. She studied textiles at a private art school in Bratislava. Her next steps took her to Raffles College of Design and Commerce in Sydney where she studied design.…
01. 03. 2021

Don’t be afraid of black and white. Be like Coco Chanel with Skvost

"Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all...,” Coco Chanel is quoted as saying. This exceptional designer was not afraid to combine classic with modern. This alignment is exactly the basis for the jewellery design for the COCO collection from SKVOST. Coco Chanel's designs are characterized by their timelessness. She was not afraid to bring a tweed costume and a "little black" dress to the female wardrobe in the early twentieth century. Her courage and genius totally changed the look of women's fashion. Once upon a time, there was one…
01. 03. 2021

Miyuki Beads: Perfect shape from love to brooches

Miyuki is a fairly common Japanese female name. It hides in itself several meanings, such as deep snow or glamorous luck. What makes the beads that bear this mysterious name exceptional and why are they ideal for making SKVOST brooches and earrings? Get to know the Miyuki beads, please The Japanese company Miyuki has a patented premium brand called "Seed Bead.” When we take a closer look at both words, "seed" means grain or fleck, and "bead" is thought to be a small pearl. In a broader sense, "Seed Bead" refers to any small bead that can have any shape,…
01. 02. 2021

Create your dream wedding with a brooches from SKVOST

"The planning of my wedding went so smoothly and without stress," – said no bride ever. :) Every bride wants to make her big day different from what she has already experienced. It can be achieved with beautiful brooches from Skvost.    When someone says wedding jewellery, probably only few people think of brooches. Nevertheless, a brooch can beautifully embroider the look of fairy-tale wedding dresses. Apart from the bride herself, it is also necessary to remember the bridesmaids and the mothers of the couple. SKVOST has designed a Belle Wedding Edition specially for you. For the bride Since the…
15. 01. 2021

You don’t need a designer to shine: 5 inspirations with Skvost brooches

Let yourself to be inspired and become a muse. Each woman is able to impress people around her with her unique look and stylish outfit. Are you asking how, ladies? The answer is really magnificent. Magnetic attraction of opposites Two opposite poles attract one another. That is true not only in the world of physics and magnets, but also when it comes to relationships and colours. Complement a classic black coat with a shiny Skvost brooch. Beautiful clear Swarovski crystals and Miyuki beads set off the classic dark colours and bring you to the fore.  Don’t be afraid to experiment…
29. 01. 2018

Každá žena je skvost. Aj na Vianoce

Nádhera, prepych, dokonalosť. Všetky slová majú rovnaký význam, no iba jedno nesie názov našich jedinečných šperkov, aké nikde inde nenájdete. SKVOST je značka brošní a náušníc od dizajnérky Lucie Šimončič, ktorá sa ich výrobe venuje už od roku 2012, a svoju lásku k týmto šperkom pretvorila do celej kolekcie luxusných módnych doplnkov.   Všetky brošne SKVOST sú vyrobené z perál, Swarovski krištáľov a kvalitných Miyuki korálok, ktoré sú vyhľadávané najmä pre svoju ľahkosť, takže naše brošne neťahajú šaty a na rozdiel od iných šperkov ich môžete bezpečne nosiť aj na hodvábe a podobne jemných materiáloch. Každý kúsok je originálnym výsledkom…
06. 12. 2017

Elizabeth II – Queen of Brooches. Take a look at the most beautiful pieces from her collection

Every woman deserves something that underlines her uniqueness. Queens are no different. British monarch Elizabeth II has taken a fancy to unique brooches. Her collection may inspire many lovers of beauty. Wedding brooch of Queen Alexandra Every bride wishes her wedding day to be adorned and to shine among all others. When it comes to royal weddings, the radiance is even more striking. Queen Alexandra received a unique wedding brooch in the shape of triple cluster. This jewel was part of her bottom drawer. She got it in 1863 from her then husband-to-be, King Edward VII. Elizabeth II received the…
11. 08. 2017

Skvostne očarujúca v jarnej módnej sezóne

Ako rafinovane zažiariť v odraze jarných slnečných lúčov?  Brošne Skvost dodajú povestné trblietky  a šmrnc aj bežným outfitom.   S príchodom prvých jarných lúčov sa každoročne prebúdza túžba po znovuzrodení. K pozitívnej energii prispeje aj osvieženie šatníka, stačí sa len inšpirovať a zorientovať v módnych trendoch. Naladiť sa môžete príjemnou podmanivou vôňou a v novom outfite s ľahkosťou čeliť posledným výstrelkom pani zimy. V kontexte filozofie udržateľnosti však nie je potrebné hneď vyraziť za nákupmi. Platí overené pravidlo, že menej je väčšinou viac, s ktorým sa stotožňuje čoraz viac žien. Trendom je investícia do kvalitných nadčasových kúskov od lokálnych dizajnérov,…
10. 05. 2001