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How to wear Skvost

How to wear
your SKVOST?

Simply with grace!

SKVOST is for exceptional
or everyday occasions, when you
need the sparkle to look
graceful or fabulous.

Each brooch
is delightfully lightweight,
created with intention, that one
single jewel can make you glow,
decorating even the most
delicate material.

The artistry
of how to wear your SKVOST
is entirely up to you! Depending on
the intention, which element of the outfit
you desire to enhance or brighten. You can pin
the brooch above your heart, on the collar, lapel of
your jacket or coat. Or on a hat, cap or ribbon, to create
a hairband. For a more original effect, arrange it under
the neckline or on your shoulder. You can pin
the jewel on a scarf tied around your neck
or in your hair. On the skirt or trouser
waistband. Buckle of the belt.
Your heels ...

The effect
which you create,
is up to you!

And if you have
in your own collection
more SKVOST jewels, do not be
afraid to combine them, creating a splendid
kaleidoscope of colours, corresponding
with the accent of your dress
or your mood.

has old-fashioned
glamour and pop culture's sparkle.
The uniqueness of it is
created by You.

If you are interested in learning how to best match each individual collection of our brochures with
your wardrobe, than please click on the collections that are currently available, these are collection AURORA;
collection COCO and collection DEW.

For additional inspiration, please visit our fashion bloggers website:
Monika Majcherová alias "Je m'appelle Monique"
